No. 11/BC/2005





In view of:


To stipulate:


Article 1

Referred to in this regulation as:

Article 2

(1) The priority lane is granted to producer importers and general importers fulfilling certain requirements.

(2) The requirements as meant in paragraph (1) are:

Article 3

(1) Priority-Lane Importers secure relief in the form of:

(2) The relief as meant in paragraph (1) letters b, c and e is granted without the submission of application from IJP.

Article 4

(1) Priority-Lane Importers are obliged to give up a written guarantee in the form of corporate guarantee already ratified by notary.

(2) The written guarantee is made with the model according to specimen as stipulated in Attachment I to this regulation.

(3) The guarantee as meant in paragraph (1) can be used as:

(4) The guarantee as meant in paragraph (1) is given up in a centralized manner to the Director General.

Article 5

Import Duty, excise and PDRI on the import by periodical payment must be settled in not later than the end of every month after the month when PIB is registered with the provision that:

Article 6

(1) Priority-Lane Importers can use facility of the priority lane for goods imported from Bonded Collection Places (TPB).

(2) Submission of PIB and/or notification of the release of goods from TPB on the import of goods as meant in paragraph (1) can be done by IJP.

Article 7

(1) Priority-Lane Importers are obliged to meet the provisions stipulated by the technical institutions concerned before submitting PIB.

(2) Priority-Lane Importers are obliged to sign statement of readiness for fulfilling the obligations and abiding by the stipulated regulations as well as accepting sanctions arising from violations.

(3) The statement as meant in paragraph (2) is made with the content and model according to the specimen as stipulated in Attachment II to this regulation.

Article 8

Priority-Lane Importers are obliged:

Article 9

(1) In order to obtain the facility of priority lane, importers submit applications to the Director Genera! through Heads of Regional Offices where import activities are mostly executed.

(2) The applications as meant in paragraph (1) are made with the model according to the specimen as stipulated in Attachment III to this regulation.

(3) The applications as meant in paragraph (1) are enclosed by:

(4) Procedures for obtaining the facility of priority lane are as stipulated in Attachment V to this regulation.

Article 10

(1) Heads of Regional Offices turn down or pass on the applications as meant in Article 9 paragraph (1).

(2) The Director General accepts or reject the applications forwarded by Heads of Regional Offices.

(3) Based on the rejected applications, new applications can be submitted again in not faster than 6 (six) months as from the date of rejection and after importer fulfill the requirements as contained in the reasons for rejection.

Article 11

Procedures for settlement of imported goods by electronic PIB through customs EDI networks, diskette and manually are as stipulated in Attachments VI, VII and VIII to this regulation.

Article 12

(1) Importers stipulated as UP are prioritized to undertake customs audit in not later than 6 (six) months as from the date of stipulation, although they have not included into the List of Audit Object Plan (DROA).

(2) The next customs audit is implemented on the basis of results of the audit as meant in paragraph (1) by observing the level of risk and/or compliance.

Article 13

(1) Priority-lane importers can submit application for improving customs declaration data already conveyed as long as the mistake is attributabl2 to real negligence.

(2) The application for improving as meant in paragraph (1) is submitted:

(3) The application as meant in paragraph (1) is submitted to Heads of Service Offices.

(4) Heads of Service Offices examine and make decision on the basis of the mechanism as stipulated in Attachment IX to this regulation.

Article 14

Priority-lane importers securing the relief as meant in Article 3 paragraph (1) letter f that fail to meet the obligation of periodical payment as meant in Article 5 are obliged to settle import duty, excise and PDRI as well as:

Article 15

(1) The facility of priority lane is revoked provisionally for 6 (six) months in the case of:

(2) The provisionally revoked facility of priority lane as meant in paragraph (1) is effective again after the expiration of the period of revocation in the case of the said IJP not committing other violation in the period.

(3) The provisional revocation as meant in paragraph (1) can be extended in the case of violation committed by IJP being in the course of settlement.

Article 16

The facility of priority lane is revoked permanently if:

Article 17

(1) Priority-lane importers make import report and give up the report to Heads of Service Offices overseeing the import place every six months as from the date of stipulation as IJP, in the form of hard copy and soft copy.

(2) The report as meant in paragraph (1) is made in the model according to the specimen as meant in Attachment X to this regulation.

Article 18

(1) Heads of Service Offices reconcile the report as meant in Article 17.

(2) In the case of any difference being found in the report as meant in Article 17 and the import data contained in Service Offices, the Prevention and Investigation Section in the Service Offices further examine and/or pass on the issue to Heads of Regional Offices for further processing.

Article 19

The facility of priority lane can be effective throughout the Indonesian Customs Area.

Article 20

The facility of priority lane granted on the basis of Decision of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. KEP-07/BC/2003 remains effective with the pro vision that the said IJP give up written guarantee in the form of the corporate guarantee as regulated in Article 4 paragraph (1).

Article 21

With the enforcement of this regulation, provisions on the priority lane as regulated in Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. KEP-07/BC/2003 contravening this regulation are declared null and void.

Article 22

The regulation comes into force after 30 (thirty) days as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be announced by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On June 15, 2005

No. 11/BC/2005